Thursday, April 23, 2009

Adventures in News Headlines

The latest: "Georgetown University Hid Religious Symbols at White House Request"

Apparently, when the President speaks somewhere, the White House's policy is to put up blue curtains and U.S. flags to make the podium area look as generic as possible. In this case, Obama was speaking at Georgetown Univesity, which is Catholic, so there were some religious symbols up very high, higher than the curtains go. So they covered those with some blue cloth, just like everything else.

There was a misunderstanding, with people accusing Georgetown of "going secular." So I guess this story is intended to clarify that the "cover-up" was at the White House's request.

But doesn't this headline mislead even more? It implies that Obama, whom some Christians actually believe is the anti-Christ, forced a religious institution to hide its religious symbols. Actually, what Obama did is ask them to hide everything distinctive about Georgetown University so that the President could appear on a generic blue background.

1 hatched thoughts:

Jessica Ellis said...

Oh, Lord. Oh, Fox News.