Monday, April 27, 2009

How does the Holy Spirit spark and build faith?

God is the one who brings rebel humans back to himself. How does he do this? Is it by academia, intellectualism, and fine sounding arguments? Proofs and statistics?

You can't prove that God is alive, or that Jesus is God by history, archeology, or science. You CAN see that the Bible's Jesus/God is viable, possible. That's encouraging in itself, that Jesus, God With Us, is certain to have lived, gained a following, taught and was reported to perform miracles, was crucified and appeared to his disciples. If any of these were sure to be false, Christianity wouldn't be a viable intellectual option.

But all that stuff is definitely true, and so Jesus' true resurrection, the reality of his miracles, and his divinity are all possible. But it's not an open and shut case.

Indeed, I have observed in life, and read in the Bible, that true faith in the living God, King Jesus, is sparked and built upon four foundations:

1. Transformed communities and lives. The New Testament testifies about the way relationship with Jesus changes lives, and changes community. People realize who the true God is and turn away from idols/worshipping themselves. People live pure lives and become unselfish. People love each other and cross barriers to do it. Communities function and build each other up. They help the poor and foster healthy relationships. This is reviewed over and over in Acts and is what Paul emphasizes in his letters as well.

2. Signs and wonders. Jesus does frickin' sweet stuff to demonstrate his authority. He raises the dead, gives sight to the blind, and animates paralyzed limbs. This is big-time in the Gospels and Acts.

3. Power over sin and demons. Jesus works in us to take away sins that oppress us and that we can't beat ourselves. It doesn't make me better than other people but it does make me better off than I was before. In addition, demons who terrorize and possess people are helpless and weak when Jesus confronts them.

4. God coming through on his promises. God promised Abraham he would bless him, make him in a great nation, give them land, bless all nations through him. He make Israel his chosen nation and gave them land. He promised King David of Israel he would always have a descendant on the throne. Indeed, the prophets, once Israel and Judah were exiled, emphasized more than anything this future Davidic Kingdom that would go on forever. And in Jesus, God fulfilled these promises. Jesus promised his kingship would spread slowly and cover the whole earth. Despite the marginalized hands (fishermen, women, etc.) he left his kingdom in, his promise is coming true.

If you're skeptical about #2 and #3, I might suggest that we are in a unique position as modern Westerners: we're entire nations of self-worshippers. Throughout most of history 99% of people have understood their weakness and fragility and have turned to God or false gods worshipping idols. We see this as silly because we think we control our own destiny, worshiping ourselves. These self-worshipers are found in the Bible too, but they're mostly kings. But most Americans struggle constantly with self-worship! Considering this difference between us and most cultures, I would caution against arrogant skepticism in this area. I dare to suggest that God isn't keen on demonstrating with signs and wonders to self-worshipers, nor are demons particularly concerned about us.

Most importantly, we come to #1, transformed lives and communities. If you are a Christian looking to reach others, ask God to transform you (or show you how he has) and look for a transformed community. If you are a Christian struggling with doubt, I wouldn't be surprised if you're disenchanted by your own sin or a dead community. If you are a non-Christian and don't see lives and communities that have the power of King Jesus in them, I am very sorry that the weakness of man has failed you. I pray that God shows you a community filled with his power soon, as it is here that the Gospel is demonstrated in power.

What is the Gospel? It is the message about our world: A world that should be good is bad all the way through, from nature to nations to families down to my own arrogance and self-worship. Meant for life dependent on God but turning towards ourselves instead, we live warped, twisted lives collapsing on themselves. God arrived personally to reintroduce himself. His name was Jesus, and he is King. He's not a normal kind of king, as instead of conquering right off, he suffered and died, demonstrating his love and making amends for our sin. He rose from the dead to announce his new kingdom of love and life with God again. How to get into the kingdom? Recognize the truth of this message, choose to believe it and Jesus welcomes you in to live forever with him.

1 hatched thoughts:

Adam E Cirone said...

It is comforting to know that there is more than one single reason upon which to have confident faith in Jesus Christ. Indeed, if the only reasons for faith to be sparked were miraculous signs or the casting of demons, then I would be in a bad place right now, because I haven't encountered either of those in my life.

But fortunately, I have seen God transform my life and the lives of others in very profound ways that I cannot deny, and the reality of Christian community, and its contrast with how community normally looks in our society, often is what keeps me focused whenever I have doubts or confusion.

While I do believe that in the 1st century AD, during the days of the early church, that Christians looked markedly different from the communities around them, at least in that culture people did engage in community life normally. Here in America, community involvement is often non-existent in the lives of most people, and seeing true Christian community can be one of the most profound ways for a person to encounter God.