Monday, July 14, 2008

About the Contributor: Adam

When I was younger, I learned some about God, Jesus, and the Bible through my church. During high school, I thought about God, religion, and Christianity, but my ideas and opinions were not informed; they were only my personal musings. It was not until college that I began to honestly explore Christianity and the Bible.

I attended Muskingum College four years, and I graduated with an undergraduate degree in Biology. At heart I am a scientist, and I enjoyed every biology class I took, and I value everything that I learned in those classes. My professors were good people that I still admire.

During college, I became involved with a Christian group on campus called Campus Crusade for Christ. I learned about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit on conferences and retreats with Campus Crusade. But I also learned about Christianity through exploring the Bible, taking classes in Biblical studies, and having long conversations with good friends. Both of these sources were vital in developing my beliefs about Christianity and the Bible.

I have learned that Christianity is more than commands or rituals. Jesus of Nazareth was a real person who had lived on earth, and he was more than human. He was deity incarnate, literally God in human form. Jesus was the answer to the problem that had plagued humanity for millennia: the separation between a righteous God and a disobedient people, a separation that warranted our death. Jesus paid the penalty for our disobedience when he died on a Roman cross, defeated death when he was resurrected three days later, and offers anyone who trusts him eternal life.

I spent my first year after graduation working with Campus Crusade in central Ohio. When my internship ended, I decided to join the full-time staff of Campus Crusade. Through my experience in college ministry, I have talked with many people, listening to their thoughts and perspectives on Christianity and the Bible. Some ideas seem more reasonable than others. Some ideas sound absurd. But these discussions have always helped me to better understand and articulate what I think and believe.

There are still many questions that need addressed. What about evolution? Is the Bible reliable? Is Christianity the only legitimate religion? Where does postmodernism fit into all of this? I hold strong opinions on some issues, but I want to learn more, hear what other people think, and dialogue about these important topics. Discussing these topics openly and honestly has only served to deepen my faith and appreciation of my God. I hope that this blog can serve you in the same manner.

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